To infinity... and beyond!

Wow! We made it! 12 weeks....yes, 12 weeks of learning through the microsite and remote learning. It has been quite the experience and a tremendous learning curve for the teachers involved in creating this site and all the lessons to help you continue to engage in your learning at home. We hope that it has served you well!
Students, thank-you for your work over the past number of weeks. Your dedication has not gone unnoticed. We are all very proud of you! We hope that you will continue to find things to do over the summer to keep your mind active and ready for your next learning adventure in Grade 5!
Parents, thank-you for your patience as we navigated through these most unique experiences. We appreciate your support in your child's learning. We know it hasn't always been easy and we salute you for all you do for your children, both in school and in everyday life! Enjoy the summer and whatever adventure awaits you.
All the best from The Grade 4 Yellow Team Teachers!